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Thursday, August 21, 2008

You Named it WHAT!?

You Named it WHAT!?

hmm… what's in a name?

Does the Name of a Dart Tournament really matter?

Will it's name really matter to the player that comes to participate?

Some say that the name will serve to stimulate the memory of or memorialize a person or an event. But absent those conditions / circumstances, what does the name of a Dart Tournament really do?

Well I guess you could say that it separates one tourney from another.

Does it really?

There so many Classics, Shootouts, Opens and Flings that the names don't qualify to be called distinctive. Hardly the hallowed names like "the Super Bowl" "Wimbledon or "The Masters" Yep, there are some unique Dart Tournament names out there such as....

Billy The Kid Bull Off

But the trend seems to be just throwing another "Shootout," "Fling," or "Open" onto the list of tourney names.

So here we are about to launch a new tournament at this years (2008) Seaside Highland Games. How do we proceed?
Do we attempt to break out of the trend of "Shootouts," "Flings," or "Opens"?
Or does the name really matter to those that attend the tourney?

There were many discussions among the tournament committee members about names that would catch your eye, names that would inspire and names that would last for all time. Well with all of the discussion done, and no name for the tournament, we came up with a plan. We would each brainstorm like mad and submit our ideas to a list. Once we all submitted our ideas, we would each choose three names from the list, and then vote from resulting slimed down list.

The "brainstorm list" was extensive and interesting... well I could share it here, but that could prove a bit tedious. Let's just say that the following ideas will give you the spirit of the ideas:
Seaside Games - "Wee Arrows" By the Pier
Seaside Games - Gold Coast Throw Down
Seaside Games - West Coast Highland Havoc
Seaside Games - "Out" By the Surf
Seaside Games - "Diddle" On The Beach
Let's just say the list was impressive, having "old favorites" as well as some new stuff.
So you say; "Let's cut to the chase here, and see how this thing turns out!"
OK, OK I just wanted to make the point that we didn't take this task lightly...
I proudly present to you the first VCDA dart tournament in conjunction with the Seaside Highland Games,,,

Gold Coast Shootout I
October 11 & 12, 2008
for the flier, info and updates
"You Named it WHAT!?" I know, I know... it's not a new or original name. I guess the voters just felt it was a name that would serve us well now and not sound too weird or trendy while still being a name of which we could be proud.

In the end the real thing to look forward to is that it will be the first of many great events! The name will only be judged as an issue or inconsequential by time, and the participants that come and enjoy a great weekend of darts at the Seaside Highland Games

Now I'm sure you are asking why it's on the same weekend as the "15th HALLOWEEN OPEN 10-12," where the ADO 2009 WORLD CUP TEAM NATIONAL FINALS will be held. And between the "SAN FRANCISCO OPEN 10-03-08 thru 10-03-08 ", the "LONDON BRIDGE TOURNEY 10-17 thru 10-19 (London Bridge Dart Association 928-855-5346) and the "TAHOE BILTMORE OPEN 2008-10-31 thru 2008-11-02"

Well that's another story, but the short answer is; It's when the Seaside Highland Games are held and they asked that we host a dart tourney during their event.
So there you have it. A not so original name for what we hope will be a fun and exciting event for all dart players love to play the game…
Oh! Did I mention that this is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to help sponsor a Dart Tourney? If so contact the Ventura County Dart Association at: vcda-->at<--vcda->dot<-org

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