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Friday, August 04, 2006

A Hack Job: Me Versus The Philly Dart Collective | EndScore

A Hack Job: Me Versus The Philly Dart Collective | EndScore: "In the end, what I’m saying is that we can agree to disagree. The Philly Dart Collective (and other dart lovers) thinks TWSOD is great and I just don’t see it quite the same way. But, you know what? Our differences is what makes life interesting. If we all thought the same way, we’d be as lively and animated as Stepford Wives, femmebots, or Ben Stein. And that could get boring real fast.

So, to all the lovers of darts, I commend and respect your passion for the sport, and for your sakes I hope ESPN continues to show and highlight your sport on their various channels.

I just won’t be tuning in."

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